Reports and Publications
View the Maine SAC’s latest reports and publications.

Evaluation of Maine DOC’s Medication-Assisted Treatment Pilot Program
In February of 2019, in response to the high rates of opioid-related morbidity and mortality in Maine, Governor Mills signed an Executive Order to implement an immediate response to Maine’s opioid epidemic. Given that a substantial portion of the opioid-related deaths in Maine are among individuals who are former Department of Corrections (DOC) clients, the Executive Order mandated that multiple sectors, including the criminal justice system, identify ways to expand access to Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and recovery supports. This report focuses on the implementation of MAT in DOC facilities and was completed shortly before the pandemic started.

Maine Sexual Assault Kit Study
A report on the use of sexual assault kits in Maine, by the University of Southern Maine’s Cutler Institute for Health and Social Policy on behalf of the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MECASA), has received the Douglas Yearwood National Publication Award from the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA).

School-Based Policing in Maine
This study was commissioned by the Juvenile Justice Advisory Group (JJAG) to learn more about how SROs are deployed in Maine, and to understand if they are creating a culture of safety in Maine schools.

2018 Positive Youth Outcomes in Maine’s Juvenile Justice System
The Maine SAC released the 2018 POSITIVE YOUTH OUTCOMES in Maine’s Juvenile Justice System. This report highlights how the Maine Department of Corrections (DOC) Juvenile Division is aligning its programs, practices, and policy toward the result of positive youth outcomes.